CH (MAJ) Kevin Trimble – US Army

Chaplain Trimble has just ended two years as the Senior Observer, Coach, Trainer, (OC/T) at the National Training Center in Fort Irwin, California. This position has allowed him to train, mentor, and certify chaplain sections as they prepare to deploy in support of our nation. In addition to his duties as OC/T, Kevin and Darla have pastored the Protestant Worship Service on Post. The Oasis Worship Experience has grown from an average attendance of 40 to over 350 in less than two years. CH Trimble formerly served as the Brigade Chaplain for the 2nd Armored Bridge Combat Team (ABCT), 3rd Infantry Division, Fort Stewart, Georgia. Along with Darla, Team Trimble is looking forward to a new assignment at the Chaplain School Institute of Religious Leadership where he will be the Director for the School of Professional Development. While in Columbia, South Carolina, the Trimble’s are anticipating new ministry opportunities to support, encourage, pray for, and minister.

Address: Please contact NAM for address.

Kevin: August 13 
Darla: July 4

Anniversary: June 29

Contact Chaplain Trimble