About the North American Ministries Logo

The North American Ministries logo is derived from its mission statement:

North American Ministries exists to equip and send church planters and chaplains to plant healthy churches to make disciples in North America.

The key words in this statement are:

  • Equip
  • Send
  • Plant
  • Healthy
  • Disciples
  • Churches

These key words point to the various stages in the birth of a new church, from preparing and sending the church planter to early days of planting, from the careful nourishment and development of new disciples to the rich harvest of a new congregation that, in turn, participates in planting other churches and believers.

Into the Harvest

The new logo flows from this rich imagery. The simple head of wheat represents the rich harvest of churches. Six side kernels stand for each of the six primary ministries of North American Ministries: church planting, cross cultural ministry, chaplaincy, the Church Extension Loan Fund, Fresh Wind (church revitalization), and Master’s Men.

The seventh kernel points toward Heaven, an ever-present reminder that every part of the work of North American Ministries is unified by a single purpose: building the kingdom of Christ.